Monday, March 9, 2009

The Bruce Springsteen Factor

Walking out of the theater after seeing SLumdog Millionaire, which I really enjoyed and recommend to everyone, I was very happy with what I saw. I liked the movie. This was about 2 months before the Academy Awards. As time went by after watching this movie, I realized that it's popularity was becoming widespread. People were telling me it was the best movie they ever saw. What?? People love to love something because it's popular. It helps them fit into a conversation, or gives them some sort of acceptance by proclaiming their love for something that isn't THAT great.
This is something I call "The Bruce Springsteen Factor". It's when a thing is good, people like it, yet the dull-minded masses that love to get excited over nothing have pumped that thing up end-all-be-all status. Bruce is the perfect example. His music is good. I like it too. However, I haven't been to 257 concerts. I have never yelled "BRUUUUUCE" in my life. He has a few good songs. When he's on the radio, I usually turn it off because I know people are getting more excited than they should be. The media and fans hype him up to be Jesus Christ. If it's your thing to get overly excited about something to feel good about yourself, I'm not stopping you. I'm just not that impressed.
To recap, The Bruce Springsteen Factor applies to phenomena that are hyped beyond what it atually is. Personally, I think the Factor applies to Michael Phelps, Barack Obama, Jon Legend, Dave Matthews (he sucks), and many more things that I will remember later.

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