Saturday, March 28, 2009


I'm going to start a new recurring section in this blog. It will deal with the disclaimers seen in commercials that reflect the utter stupidity of the American public. I will post from time to time on various warnings and disclaimers that I see on TV. I have noticed this going on for a while and I thought it would be fun to keep track of these warnings. This morning I saw a commercial for a nasal spray. It's a nasal spray, I forget the brand, yet there was a warning to not squirt the product into your eyes or mouth. What dumb shit would do such a thing? Are people that fuckin dumb? Yes. The disclaimer exists because the company probably got sued by some fucknut that sprayed the product into their eyes and got injured. No fuckin common sense. Once saw a Jeep commercial in which a Jeep was driven underwater and there was a message "DO NOT ATTEMPT"...good thing because I was about to try that. Who would've thought that a flooded engine wouldn't work or that I might drown. Jeep also had a commercial in which the vehicle was driven directly up a vertical cliff. The disclaimer read "DRAMATIZATION". No shit. Guess I can't fly my Honda to the moon either.

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